Re: [TML] AI in Traveller products (including fanzines)
Jeff Zeitlin 20 Aug 2023 21:29 UTC
On Sun, 20 Aug 2023 15:55:05 -0400, I wrote:
>Notwithstanding any comments and agreements in specific websites, it
>appears that art generated by AIs such as Wombo, NightCafe, Artbreeder,
>DALL*E, et multae ceterae, may not be copyrightable, according to an
>article in The Hollywood Reporter [1].
For those who are interested, the decision can be found at and downloaded
from The Internet Archive; see
(The Hollywood Reporter article embeds it from ScribD, which requires
membership to download, e.g., for off-line reading. Legally, there is no
copyright on governmental public documents (from any jurisdiction within
the United States) such as court opinions and orders; you may freely
download, copy, and reprint/republish the originals without restriction
provided that the originals themselves are not of legally restricted
distribution (e.g., classified, or designated NOFORN).)
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
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