Comment on current Humble Bundle
Jeff Zeitlin 20 Aug 2023 18:12 UTC
The current Humble Bundle for Mongoose Traveller material names Cancer
Research UK as the charitable beneficiary. Given listmember and Traveller
author Timothy Collinson's recent "rolls of the dice of life", I think this
is particularly appropriate, and would encourage people to:
* buy in to the bundle and toss in a few extra bucks/quid/euro
* adjust the donation to give the charity 15% of what you pay for the
bundle instead of the default 5%.
Note that the ratio of Mongoose-to-Humble on the charitable donation
appears to be 3:1 - that is, for every ¤4 that goes to CRUK, ¤3 comes from
Mongoose, the fourth comes from Humble.
The Bundle can be purchased at
(for those that don't recognize it, ¤ is a generic currency symbol
(<>), rather than
the symbol for a specific currency. Some programming languages let you use
it in format strings to indicate placement of the specific national
currency symbol. On the US-International keyboard in Windows (and
compatible layouts on other systems), it can be typed using AltGr+4, where
AltGr is either the _right_ Alt key or the Ctrl+Alt combination.)
(For what it's worth, it'd be nice if Humble and DTRPG could get together
and Make It So that Humble purchases would automatically be added to your
DTRPG library...)
®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2022. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.
Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:
onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (
The Traveller Downport (