In the SCA you can (and some people are required to) swear fealty to
the crown. Here is the first one I found doing a fast google search.
I, (state your name), do swear Fealty and service unto the Crown of
Meridies – To speak and to be silent, to do and to let be, To come and
to go, in need and in plenty, In peace and in war, in living and in
dying, From this hour henceforth, until my Lord release me, Death take
me, or the world end.
I, [name], King of Meridies and I, [name], Queen of Meridies
Hear and shall not forget, nor fail to reward, that which is freely
given: Fealty with love, Valor with honor, and Oathbreaking with
vengeance/justice. Now rise and go in our esteem.
On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 2:59 AM David Jaques-Watson - davidjw at (via tml list) <> wrote:
> Dear Folks –
> If anyone wants to create an Oath of Allegiance (not a “Pledge”), you could
> do worse than read through this as a basis:
> It can be very long (SEE the Oaths to James I, Charles I, and George IV) or
> quite short, such as the most recent one to Charles III:
> "I, (Insert full name), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true
> allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs and successors, according
> to law. So help me God."
> And as with most Oaths, including those Oaths of Office in the USA, you only
> say it _once_. From then on, you're expected to remember to be bound by it.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> David "Hyphen" Jaques-Watson Beowulf Down (Tavonni/Vilis/SM 1520)
> "I file things in historical order, with a hashing algorithm of gravity"
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Some of us have a little bit of Crazy and some of us have a 40,000 liter
drum filled to the brim of the stuff - and you don't know how much Crazy
there is until it's awake - by which time it's waaaay too late to try
and cram it back in the box. -- Simon the BOFH