Re: Jeffrey Schwartz rethinks Virus - was Re: [TML] The Unbelievability of Virus [long essay]
Rupert Boleyn 05 Jul 2023 19:48 UTC
On 06Jul2023 0527, Jeffrey Schwartz - schwartz.jeffrey at (via
tml list) wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 1:00 PM Alex Goodwin - alex.goodwin at
> (via tml list) <> wrote:
>> On 5/7/23 23:05, Jeffrey Schwartz - schwartz.jeffrey at (via
>> tml list) wrote:
>>> Here's my deal killer with Virus. This is written from the perspective
>>> of a guy who's written interface software between systems for the last
>>> three decades and then some...
>> This list seems to accumulate programmers and system admins.
> Geeks gotta geek :)
I think that's one reason there's such push-pack WRT to Virus. It's a
problem many RPGs and SF stories run into, where the physicists yell
about the spaceflight rules, the biologists scream about the
impossibility of this or that species, the historians pull their hair
out at the terrible history, and so on. Meanwhile, those of us who
aren't experts on those fields shrug our shoulders, say "Close enough!"
and move on.
Rupert Boleyn <>