Re: [TML] Crottled Greeps, and other edible(?) things...
Jeff Zeitlin 12 Jun 2023 14:25 UTC
On Tue, 6 Jun 2023 15:48:28 -0700, Evyn MacDude wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 3:28?PM Jeff Zeitlin - editor at
> (via tml list) <> wrote:
>> To riff off a bank commercial [Capital One] that's recently had a run in
>> the United States, "Never mind what's in your wallet, what's in your
>> kitchen?"
>Ceviche, chemically cooked seafood with diced tomatoes, peppers and onion.
>Typically served with a flatbread made of chemically treated corn flour
>then fried (Corn Chips).
Nothing particularly unusual about this; 'chemically cooked' (as contrasted
with 'heat-cooked') is an accurate statement, but realise that the
'chemical' is a moderately concentrated citric acid, normally in the form
of lime juice. I've never actually had it, but that's more because I've
never been to a restaurant that serves it than because of any inherent
opposition to the idea.
>Then there is cake sushi, made with sliced up twinkies wrapped in a green
>fruit rollup and topped with candied or jelly fruit...
My blood sugar went up fifty points just reading this... bleagh. But I know
people who would enjoy something like this as a sweet...
>Then there are Korean Corn Dogs.... Or heck anything that can be battered
>and fried.
Which is pretty much anything, including just taking dollops of the batter
and frying it...
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