Re: [TML] Space Faring Companions
Jeff Zeitlin 28 Mar 2023 22:04 UTC
I can almost guarantee that _Rattus norvegicus_ will be aboard ship, either
as a pet or as vermin. (Yes, people really do keep rats as pets.)
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 16:41:51 -0500, kaladorn wrote:
>It occurs to me that the 57th century is lacking in information on what
>creatures (not species of sophonts) could travel well with Travellers and
>handle any periods of low G, low G, or higher Gs (for ships lacking
>gravitic control or whose gravitics are damaged).
>Has there ever been a list of space faring side kicks? If not, are there
>candidates that we might feel could be such a wingperson?
>The obvious cases:
>Terran Cat (Felis Catus Familiaris)
>Terran Dog (Canus Lupus Familiaris)
>Small Monkeys?
>I'm looking at something that could live on a small ship, that could move
>around easily enough (even in low G or zero G with
>training/acclimatization), that would not take up huge amounts of space,
>could eat human food at a pinch, and could handle defecation and peeing if
>Tom B
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