Re: [TML] TL15 Type 73 200 ton Interdiction Satellite
Kurt Feltenberger 23 Mar 2023 00:37 UTC
On 3/22/2023 6:35 PM, Jeffrey Schwartz - schwartz.jeffrey at
(via tml list) wrote:
> Really nice
> Although I'm getting old, and my eyes first read "73,200 ton
> interdiction sat" and I was like... "Wow. That's a lot of
> interdicting" along with this mental image of this 1km diameter
> red-zone planetoid being circled by a 73,200 ton mini-moon bristling
> with cannon
That's the Lab Ship From Hell...
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not living enough." - Me
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