Re: [TML] Andy Akins' FFS2 Spreadsheet
Jeff Zeitlin 25 Nov 2022 16:50 UTC
On Fri, 25 Nov 2022 17:01:06 +1300, Rupert Boleyn wrote:
>On 25Nov2022 1648, Bruce Johnson - johnson at Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU (via
>tml list) wrote:
>> Was held for too large just got to checking my emails :-)
>I sent it direct, which is what I was intending to do in the first
>place, but clicked the wrong button.
And it has been received, thank you. I will post it when the next issue
goes up; please note that modern office suites will almost certainly
consider it an untrusted file and will by default disable running the VBA
macro code in the file. I will post it in Excel 97/2003 format, which is
the format I received it in; I do not yet know whether the code will work
with modern versions of Excel or with any of the OpenFork spreadsheets. If
it does, and if time allows, I will post OpenFork and Excel 2007-2016
formats as appropriate.
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