Re: [TML] Perry Rhodan and Traveller?
Jeff Zeitlin 24 Nov 2022 15:56 UTC
On Thu, 24 Nov 2022 09:33:48 -0500, Jeffrey Schwartz wrote:
>I got on a recent kick of binging sci fi series, and was getting upset that
>they kept ending... Then I remembered reading Perry be Rhodan as a kid, and
>went hunting on the net, figuring that 130+ books would last me a while
>But as I've been reading, especially the 1975 era books, I'm seeing things
>that seem like influences of the history of the OTU
>Has anyone else noticed this?
>Does Rhodan's Mutant Corps remind anyone of the Zhodani?
>The collapse of the Great Empire remind anyone of the Vilani ?
I haven't read any of the Rhodani*, so I don't know the details of the
specific things you're mentioning, but while it's not impossible that there
was direct influence - and if you really want an answer to that, it _is_
possible to ask Marc directly - it's also possible that both the Rhodani
and Marc - and a whole lot of other authors - were just picking up on
tropes that have existed in speculative fiction for ... definitely longer
than _I've_ been alive, and likely for almost the entire history of
speculative fiction, dating back to when some Roman wrote and published an
essay on "Quid Si Alexander Tam Iuvenis Mortuus Non Esset?"
*No, I _couldn't_ resist. Deal.
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