Re: [TML] Question about OTUstar density [Loooong -sorry!]
Jonathan Clark 17 Oct 2022 05:00 UTC
Greg Nokes wrote:
> Here is the blurb that I put into the intro packet for a campaign that I started last year:
> "Traveller Maps are flat, even though space is three dimensional. This is an artifact of how Jump Drive works. Only certain stars are accessible via Jump Space. Jump Space is somehow tied to the galactic plane. There are many theories and conspiracies tied to this, tho common thought is that it is an artifact of the dark matter halo which surrounds the galaxy."
I like this. It ties in (via some mechanism I haven't imagined yet) with MTU handwave about the Universe being non-Einsteinian, as there *is* a privileged frame of reference, that being the distribution of matter in the observable Universe. This allows FTL travel &c.
> Handwave handwave handwave