Re: [TML] CT LBB5 HG 1st ed (c)1979 - Jump Governor
Evyn MacDude 30 Oct 2014 19:05 UTC
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list)
<> wrote:
> This email was sent from which does not allow forwarding of emails via email lists. Therefore the sender's email address ( has been replaced with a dummy one. The original message follows:
> Could someone give a reference as to which issue of the JTAS is "The original jTas Article"?
jTas, Issue 4, Page 14, the original article on the Gazelle.
> Also, I don't recall 'the IISS Ship Files'.
> Could someone provide a 'pointer'?
IISS Ship File was produced By Games Workshop while they had the
Traveller License in the UK. Stylistically the ship contained in that
volume are the same as the Leviathan Adventure 4. The creative crew
who did both also did a lot of the White Dwarf Traveller Articles.