What you are doing is nothing more than pretending that you can somehow know what the far, far future will be, crunching numbers in such a way that your preconceptions are affirmed & than claiming that somehow, that makes your 'way' better than mine.
We're all puttering about in the 'models' that we prefer.
The world that we all experience each & every day would be 'incomprehensibly vast' to ancient homo sapiens, & so what?
If it's really all that vast then the OTU, or any TU, for that matter, couldn't possibly exist at all.
So, I guess it's really all 'fantasy' after all. (or as my mother used to say. "Is that just more of all that 'make believe' stuff?"
p.s. And, BTW, 'mine' really is better than 'yours'! (this traditionally should be followed by a repetitious chorus of "No, it's NOT", "Yes, it IS", etc..., not that much different than disputes involving any other personal preferences, & not unlike the C64 vs Apple // vs etc, etc, back in the old days. Or, currently, PC vs Mac.
On Thu, 10/30/14, Kelly St. Clair <xxxxxx@efn.org> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] Original CT LBB's scoutship vs CT HG scoutship?
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Date: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 11:23 AM
On 10/30/2014 11:04 AM,
Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> Come on, it's really just another way
of saying "My 'way' is better than
Well, yes.
Mine is set in the real universe, with real numbers for
things like how much Stuff an entire planet
produces and ships, whereas
you seem to
want a sort of scale-model universe to putter about in.
> Jack up the numbers
& make everything immense. It's called MT!
Planets are immense. Stars
more so. Parsecs much much more so, and the
Imperium is incomprehensibly vast... to some,
at least.
Kelly St.