Re: [TML] CT LBB5 HG 1st ed (c)1979 - Jump Governor Evyn MacDude 30 Oct 2014 04:53 UTC

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 4:20 PM,  <> wrote:
> Evening Evyn,
> There are two copies of Mayday in my collection. I've got 1978
> rules book that measures 8.5 x 11 inches and the second copy
> is part of the soft cover Games 1-6+ The Classic Game FFE 005 book.
> I don't recall seeing anything about armor in either copy, but at the
> time I was checking the missile construction process so I probably
> missed the reference. I checked in both copies and still haven't
> found anything about armor.

There isn't any armor reference in Mayday, but I keep hoping I will
have a bright idea. Mayday was written in between Book2 and Book5.

> I also checked out Snapshot, also in FFE 005, and an internal bulkhead
> takes 100 hit points to punch a  hole into it using and energy weapon of
> explosives. Another 1,000 hit point is needed to make a hole for a person
> to fit through. Yeah, I know not much help.

Actually that helps with another project. Which is starting with
Snapshot and ending in MgT....

> Have you tried MT or TNE?

Maybe MT, as they rewrote a lot of CT into terms of Striker, I just
haven't dug into it yet.
