Re: [TML] CT LBB5 HG 1st ed (c)1979 - Jump Governor Evyn MacDude 29 Oct 2014 19:08 UTC

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:36 PM,  <> wrote:
> Thank you Evyn for the rough draft.
> Book 2 kept this simple and ignored armor. How about using HG 2 rules?
> Tom Rux

I have considered that, Right now I am going to look at Mayday and see
what I can do from that angle.

To be honest I really started with a project to bring MgT into closer
usability/interchangeability with both Book 2 and 5 and from there to
Mayday. I should note that MgT ship construction is a fork of T5 with
lots of CT thrown in instead of the other way.

Shit, what I am meaning to say I am trying to use all the rules to
build up from a Book2 base, discarding/ignoring the bits that don't
work and brutally using the bits that do. But in the end it's got to
look like Book2. I hope this explains my mindset for my project and
