Re: [TML] CT LBB5 HG 1st ed (c)1979 - Jump Governor
Evyn MacDude 28 Oct 2014 06:57 UTC
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 7:27 PM, <> wrote:
> Evening Evyn,
> My take is that the weapons listed in LBB 2 where what was available to all
> ships. LBB 5 is geared for building up warships and the LBB 2 covered what
> most civilian and non-3I navies could legally have. I don't know about you
> but I'd rather have my naval asset out-gunning civilians and mercenaries. It
> would be nice if I'd out gun pirates and other bad guys.
> The other item is that the combat systems are different between LBB 2 and
> LBB 5, which is probably why I never thought of trying to bring in the
> additional systems from LBB 5.
Ah, you are taking background in account is a somewhat generic
setting, understandable. A lot of people saw High Guard as a
replacement game for Book 2 instead of the statistics based Fleet sim
that it truly is.
> When you figure out the numbers I would like to get a copy please.