Re: [TML] Original CT LBB's scoutship vs CT HG scoutship?
Grimmund 28 Oct 2014 03:23 UTC
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Ian Whitchurch
<> wrote:
> Marc Millers massive blind spots in economics (Cr1000 per dton for freight
> being the poster child of this, with the Cr2000 "life support costs" coming
> a close second).
I had always assumed that Cr1000/dton was a J1, per jump thing, and if
you were hauling freight at higher Jump numbers, you would be charging
Which is, you know, how things operate today: your freight goes cheap
by ground, more for three day service, double that for 2 day service,
double THAT for overnight, and pay a premium for early morning
If you ship a dton by four J1 links, you are renting space in the hold
for 8 weeks, at 1000cr for each two-week block.
If you ship it by a J4 courier, it should cost you at least the 4000
cr that it would cost you to ship it by slow boat.
(Operation of the J4 boat is less expensive, since you only have to
pay the bills for 2 weeks instead of 8, but you also carry
significantly less cargo, since you loose another 30% of hull volume
to fuel.)
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