Re: Naval Scout/Couriers Re: [TML] Why do those big ships carry so many fighters? Phil Pugliese 21 Oct 2014 15:08 UTC

On Tue, 10/21/14, Edward Swatschek <> wrote:

 Subject: Re: Naval Scout/Couriers Re: [TML] Why do those big ships carry so many fighters?
 Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 6:21 AM

 On 2014-10-21, 1:59, Phil
 Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
 Wasn't the 'standard' J6 Fleet Courier presented
 in the CT LBB Supp 'Fighting Ships of the Spinward
 Marches'<sic> a 400dT CT HG design?

 Yes.  J6/M2

 The minimum bridge size of 20dt in the CT (Book
 2/HG) construction rules
 really limits what
 you can stuff in a 100dt hull.  A 100dt J4/M6 ship,
 after being fitted out with bridge, drives,
 fuel, and computer, has 98%
 or 100% of the
 available hull accounted for; I'm afraid the crew will

 need to sling hammocks on the bridge and
 hold their breaths.  Thus the
 Express Boat with no maneuver drive or power plant.

 The MT and TNE design rules
 adjusted fuel usages, and handles bridges in
 a different manner. Using them you can probably
 get away with designing
 a 100dt with high
 jump and maneuver drive numbers.

 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Which explains why the standard Scout Ship is only J2M2.

Still, since the IN has been using larger couriers (TL15/J6 tech came in w/i the last century but there were undoubtedly TL14/J5 ones before then) for who knows how long, I don't see why there can't be larger, special purpose, Scout Ships. Surely the existing Scout Bases aren't limited to only 100dT vessels?

Also, I came into Traveller after the original CT HG was already in print & since I favored designing naval vessels larger than CT LBB2 allowed, I didn't use the LBB2 design sequence very much. Still, as I recall, there was a discrepancy in the way fuel requirements were calculated. In CT HG it was a % of displacement while CT LBB2 was different. Maybe based on engine size?
