On 20 Oct 2014, at 17:36, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) wrote:
> I completely forgot about that...
> Did the torp actually make physical contact w/ the soviet SSBN?
> I believe that the sovs still used double-hulls at the time but shouldn't physical contact have done some damage?
Yes, Here's an extract from the book...
The October was now passing twenty knots.
“Range to the Alfa is seven hundred fifty yards, bearing two-two-five. The torpedo is close, sir, a few more seconds.” Jones cringed, staring at the screen.
Klonk !
The torpedo struck the Red October dead center in her hemispherical bow. The safety lock still had another hundred meters to run. The impact broke it into three pieces, which were batted aside by the accelerating missile submarine.
I had thought that was the only attack, but having just skimmed the chapter, there was an earlier attack by the V.K. Kovalov (the Alfa) which had been partially spoofed, sufficiently to generate a miss of one fish, and tfor the second fish to hit a glancing blow on the Oktyabr and to detonate awayfrom the hull by a small distance - enough to pop some seams, but not to sink her.
Regards, Andy
Andrew Long
Andrew dot Long at Mac dot com