Variations on improperly prepared, and thus potentially dangerous, food
is probably a strong curse phrase for the Vilani.
Followed by terms implying one does not follow proper culture norms.
Like the Russian use of the word for "uncultured" to imply poor
On 8/23/2022 10:55 AM, Jeffrey Schwartz - schwartz.jeffrey at
(via tml list) wrote:
> Can I get the Big Brains who are good with Vilani to help me out here?
> Remember how they used Chinese in Firefly?
> I have two uses for a bunch of cuss phrases in Vilani
> First, the obvious gaming ones, and filling in in fiction I write
> Second, and more pressing, there's a wide spread of people who have
> second languages that I work with, and I'm really needing to be able
> to dump stress without getting someone offended
> So... Any ideas on what Vilani folks say when the situation requires it?
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