Re: [TML] Teaser for November (and/or December?) Freelance Traveller...
Timothy Collinson 10 Oct 2014 21:09 UTC
Oooh, very jealous! But hope the con goes well.
Look forward to the report(s)
> On 10 Oct 2014, at 20:16, Freelance Traveller <> wrote:
> I'm posting this from my hotel room at TravellerCON/USA; I checked in
> about a half-hour ago. Just wanted to let people know that I will do my
> best to provide an After-Action Report in the November Freelance
> Traveller, but if I don't quite get it there, it'll be in the December
> issue. That doesn't preclude anyone else attending from writing an AAR
> for FT, though; the more the merrier...
> Also slated for possibly November or (in this case, more likely)
> December is a review of Martin J. Dougherty's Traveller novel, /Shadow
> of the Storm/, and future issues will have a review of Robert E.
> Vardeman's Traveller novel, /Fate of the Kinunir/, and (if I can obtain
> a copy) Erik Scott de Bie's /Priority: Hyperion/. All of these novels
> are listed as appearing under the Far Future Enterprises imprint, in
> cooperation with Athans and Associates, who were kind enough to provide
> Freelance Traveller with review copies of /Kinunir/ and /Shadow/.
> --
> Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
> Freelance Traveller
> The Electronic Fan-Supported
> Traveller® Fanzine and Resource
> ®Traveller is a registered trademark of
> Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2014. Use of
> the trademark in this notice and in the
> referenced materials is not intended to
> infringe or devalue the trademark.
> Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
> enterprises for hosting services:
> CyberNET Web Hosting (
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