Re: [TML] Because Britain won't be a major power...
Tim 02 Oct 2014 04:55 UTC
On Wed, Oct 01, 2014 at 09:56:21PM +0000, Bruce Johnson wrote:
> …until they can lithobrake their own mars probes:
> <>
Bah. There's nothing wrong with lithobraking in principle. At
sufficient speed rock just acts like a denser fluid than air. Just
needs a bit more of an ablation shield and a decent shock absorber,
that's all.
As to the actual article ... wow. I thought our Prime Minister said
stupid things. I guess we still have a lot to learn from Old England.
I guess in the Imperium, this sort of espousing the teaching of native
idiosyncratic measurements might result in a discreet visit from
representatives of the Office of Calendar Compliance. Except of
course that the names may well be reversed. Would the official system
of the Third Imperium be called Imperial measurements?
- Tim