On Fri, 9/26/14, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] A Small Ship TU, a bit of handwavium to explain it.
To: xxxxxx@simplelists.com
Date: Friday, September 26, 2014, 3:55 AM
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014
at 10:25 AM, Phil Pugliese (via tml list) <xxxxxx@simplelists.com>
Still, as I recall, it wasn't
Londo that made that decision, he wasn't on the throne
yet (there was some easily manipulated 'puppet' as I
recall), & he *did* protest as soon as he was informed
by the guy that was really calling the shots.
Calling Shots Guy was Lord Antono Refa. Londo started
out as his full partner, in a bid to restore the martial
glory of the Republic. But after his over-the-top
ruthlessness comes to light - particularly as regards the
rocking of Narn - Londo becomes his enemy, instead.
Of course, what I was going for was emotional
resonance, rather than a strict one-to-one match of
plot points. :)
Also, wasn't there something of
a deal that Londo made the Narn honcho?
Something about agreeing the leave Narn in
exchange for support?
Eventually, Londo decides to gift G'Kar and the
Narn resistance with Refa, who was - as per above - the one
who ordered those rocks dropped.
I positively loved the holographic
recording of Londo making his little speech to the
soon-to-be-dead Refa, especially the bit were Londo's
image pace right through Refa. And also - of course - the
surreal juxtaposition of Refa's rat-like scramble for
unattainable escape with shots of that choir on B5 singing
"No Hiding Place Down Here!"
Richard Aiken
Yeah, JMS really knew how to set up a scene.
Just about my fav series of all time.
I still remember when JMS was posting on one of the UseNet lists.
A special moderated one was set up just for him as people kept posting plot synopses on the unmoderated one & he was concerned about IP issues cropping up.
I esp liked the time he talked about his childhood. Growing up poor, skipping from city to city.
He even met Rod Serling once (in HS, I think) &, according to JMS, Serling read some of his writing & encouraged him to continue.