Reminder/Request, please... Jeff Zeitlin 04 Jul 2022 00:15 UTC

Some of the readers of this list receive the daily digest; others receive
the "reflector" (individual messages). If you are a digest reader, and wish
to reply to something you see in it, please remember:

1. You _will_ break threading for those of us who receive the reflector and
have "smart" mail clients that honor the "references" header. Therefore, to
make it easier for even stupid mail clients (which don't honor the
references header, but do group by thread title) to group messages on a
topic together,...

2. ...please remember to change the subject from "Daily digest for" to whatever the subject line for the specific message
you're replying to is.

®Traveller is a registered trademark of
Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2022. Use of
the trademark in this notice and in the
referenced materials is not intended to
infringe or devalue the trademark.

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following
enterprises for hosting services:

onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises (
The Traveller Downport (