Re: [TML] There Has To Be An Adventure Seed Here...
Ingo Siekmann 08 May 2022 10:25 UTC
well, to mis-quote H.L. Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating
the dumbness of the public."
You can make money selling voodoo-hoodoo nonsense to the "enligntened"
masses. In fact, you can make a lot of money:
In short: It is an orgon cloudbuster that protects your home from HAARP,
electrosmog, chemtrails, mobile phone radiation an WLAN.
To defend my people, the comments are pure gold ("very heay bong") "I
mounted a tractor seat onto it, now I can use to shoot down UFOs").
Sure, there is adventure potential in it. But the only game I can
imagine is Paranoia.
Am 08.05.22 um 01:45 schrieb Kurt Feltenberger - kurt at (via
tml list):
> As I was watching the video linked below, I realized that this would
> make an excellent adventure seed...