Re: [TML] Tech Estimate Question: James White's Educator Tapes?
Kurt Feltenberger 08 Aug 2014 16:59 UTC
On 8/8/2014 12:42 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>> 1. What Traveller (Classic/Mega/Mongoose) Tech Level would be
>> > represented by such recordings?
>> >
> This is essentially personality recording and implanting.
> I would put it at ‘Not Available Here’ TL, because the canowyrms it represents. (if you can implant the personality and skills of an alien Doctor into your head, there is much much mischief that can be done doing it between members of the same species. See, for example, the Joss Whedon series ‘Dollhouse’<>, which is essentially the same concept.)
> It is much more likely that expert systems + robotic surgery bots (which we have now) would be utilized.
Isn't this actually in canon, though? Adventure 6: Expedition to
Zhodane had the technology and formed a core part of the adventure.
Kurt Feltenberger
“Before today, I was scared to live, after today, I'm scared I'm not
living enough." - Me