Re: [TML] Looking for Doug Berry and the completion of his Rework of the Imperium
Thomas Jones-Low 27 Mar 2022 23:10 UTC
On 3/27/2022 6:51 PM, Jeff Zeitlin - editor at (via tml
list) wrote:
> Back in 2016, Mr (Doug) Berry (I specify because there's also a Mr (Craig)
> Berry who has posted here) started posting a series of articles rethinking
> the fundamental structure and operation of the Third Imperium. I have the
> ones that have survived in my archives, but I'm fairly sure I've cleaned up
> after a disk crash or mail program archive corruption, so I may have missed
> some. They were posted under a partial title of "A set of immodest
> proposals", and I have what appear to be the first four articles from the
> series. Did he ever complete them, here or elsewhere? And does anyone know
> his current net.whereabouts?
Doug signed off from the TML Nov 13, 2018 with a message titled "So long, and
thanks for all the fish". The sig on that message has several points of contact. is still active as of today, so Doug is still
with us. The email he posted to the TML still seems to be active as well.
Thomas Jones-Low