Re: [TML] Fish & Chips? (O/T)
Jeff Zeitlin 17 Mar 2022 09:33 UTC
On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 02:00:32 +0000 (UTC), Phil Pugliese wrote:
>I just visited a fast-food place & discovered that they now serve 'fish & chips', so I tried it.
>It was pretty good, IMO, but, not unexpected, the 'chips' were actually what we yanks usually call 'french fries'.
>So here's the question for the 'internationals' out there;
>In your country, what do you call the things that we yanks call 'potato chips' or just 'chips'?
I'm a Yank, so I call them 'potato chips' or 'chips', but most of the
Anglosphere calls 'em 'crisps'.