Re: [TML] Re: Zhodani in District 268 Kelly St. Clair 05 Jul 2014 03:46 UTC

On 7/4/2014 5:32 PM, Andrew Bernstein wrote:

> Zhodani culture prizes law & order. Their use of psionics has eliminated
> dishonesty, unhappiness, and aggression from their society. It's a very
> boring society as a result and because all of the Proles are happy, it's
> a very creepy one too.

Sounds rather like the first season of Star Trek the Next Generation,
doesn't it?  Which did not go unnoticed at the time; a friend of mine
often wondered what they put in the water.

> The PCs need a mission. And for their sins, they have been given one.
> Terminate, with extreme prejudice.
> "The horror... the horror..."

"Never get out of the X-boat.  Absolutely goddamn right!  Unless you
were going all the way."

Kelly St. Clair