Zhodanis World Cup Knapp (04 Jul 2014 20:08 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Freelance Traveller (04 Jul 2014 20:21 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Knapp (04 Jul 2014 20:30 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup greg caires (05 Jul 2014 12:05 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Jeffrey Schwartz (07 Jul 2014 19:24 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Richard Aiken (08 Jul 2014 20:36 UTC)
Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Knapp (20 Jul 2014 19:48 UTC)

Re: [TML] Zhodanis World Cup Freelance Traveller 04 Jul 2014 20:21 UTC

On Fri, 4 Jul 2014 22:07:59 +0200, Knapp <xxxxxx@gmail.com> wrote:

>What games would these people play with their mental skills?
>Soccer/football with a mental twist of some sort? Go with brain death?
>Please post a few ideas for games you might have. Are there any in the

I would expect that any such games would ultimately be used to hone the
psionic skills in question, and that most such would use a single skill,
rather than two or three (how many people are you going to find with
telekinesis AND teleportation AND clairvoyance?).

Telekinesis: Analogous to arm-wrestling. An object is placed on a flat
surface, and two lines are drawn on the surface 15cm away in opposite
directions. Both players attempt to use telekinesis to move the object
to touch the surface behind one of the lines. The

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported
    Traveller® Fanzine and Resource


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