How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Alex Goodwin (26 Dec 2021 07:01 UTC)
Re: [TML] How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Thomas Jones-Low (26 Dec 2021 16:56 UTC)
Re: [TML] How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Alex Goodwin (26 Dec 2021 17:49 UTC)
Re: [TML] How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Thomas Jones-Low (26 Dec 2021 23:37 UTC)
Re: [TML] How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Alex Goodwin (27 Dec 2021 06:53 UTC)
Re: [TML] How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Rupert Boleyn (28 Dec 2021 16:30 UTC)

How does trade volume vary with fuel price? Alex Goodwin 26 Dec 2021 07:01 UTC


Hope you've survived your respective days without ending up too much the
worse for wear.

The title question came up in argument with The Usual Suspects (Herr
Sweep, Edddles, Easy Frag - Wombat made like BRIAN BLESSED and didn't
talk much, or loudly), and I was a bit peeved I didn't have a really
solid answer.

Given a base price level for at-berth refined fuel (such as GT's
Cr350/dton, or MGT2's Cr500/dton - call whatever such level 1), how does
the title question apply?

In open regions, with plenty of alternatives, such a move would seem to
be self-defeating.

What happens through bottlenecks, such as Teacup Station - where if a
conventionally laid-out ship wants to pass with minimum of hazard and
time, they _have_ to pay up?

How is thru trade (transiting Teacup) affected by a relative fuel price
of 2 (Cr700/dton for GT, Cr1000/dton for MGT2)? 3?  11?  How is system
trade (beginning/terminating at Teacup) affected?

