Re: [TML] Sex ratio of the Aslan - and a way to deal with them
Ingo Siekmann 15 Nov 2021 18:49 UTC
Guten Abend,
Am 15.11.21 um 12:34 schrieb Brett Kruger - brett at (via
tml list):
> As for bioweapons, I think the Aslan females, at least in my TU, would
> be smart enough to eventually counter such a thing, and then set the
> males after its creator.
I agree. And I also agree with Phil Pugliese that somebody would have
tried this before.
But, on the other hand, the Biotech in the setting is highly developed,
just think of "artificial races" like the Jonkereen.
So, what about a possible terrorist plot. Some Solomani Nutcase brews
together his personal killer-bug and unleashes it onto the furry arch -
Or the K'kree (or the Hiver) brew it up and leave some hints that point
to the Imperium as the culprit, in the hope that the Gnak will trample
each other.
Or the Imperium brews it up and points some hints that will "prove" that
this a false-flag operation by the K'kree - "See, brave brothers in
arms? It were the plant-eaters all along! Lets deal with them once and
for all!"
Ah, all the possibilities ...