Re: [TML] Terran/Vilani Interfertility and the Zhodani
Rupert Boleyn 29 Oct 2021 00:01 UTC
On 29Oct2021 0831, Jim Vassilakos - jim.vassilakos at (via tml
list) wrote:
> Terrans/Solomani are interfertile with Vilani, but are either interfertile
> with Zhodani? The Zhodani are taller and have four fewer teeth, but I
> haven't seen anything about whether or not they are able to breed with the
> other major human races and, if so, whether or not children produced from
> such unions are sterile.
I don't see why they wouldn't be - height is enormously variable in the
human population of Earth today, and not having wisdom teeth is a not
too uncommon trait today as well.
Rupert Boleyn <>