Herr Sweep was absent this session, so I had it in-story that Nikki
bossed run out to Teacup Station.
As a lot of effort was going to be put into remote sensing, Nikov (and
at least Whipsnade, Milford and de Ness) figured would be damn good idea
to calibrate kit, procedures and expectations against known ground
truths on the run out to Teacup Station.
So the first system scanned was Prometheus, from Terra. The sensor take
was good enough to rumble all three gas giants, and Curly critted on his
astronomy roll to build a rough system map - nearly perfectly
retrodicting the gas giant orbits in question.
The convoy proceeded (Ankh-Morpork City Watch style) to Prometheus, with
Nikki earning herself a dirty look from Drake for a very smooth jump
that dropped out within 70km of target.
During the jump, Nikki realised that some tickets were out of date, so
she diverted to Prometheus itself, earning an earful from Nikov (aboard
the _Caerbannog Rabbit Fancy_, who had dragged them off at the lights).
Long story short, Curly updated his pilot's, astrogator's and sensor
operator's tickets, while Joe updated his pilot and comms tickets.
Remote-sensing Sol system didn't work as well - Curly managed to find
the big ball of fusing gas, but no debris, while Joe managed worse.
With only a slight delay from the unexpected detour dirtside, the convoy
finished remote-sensing Sol and proceeded to Loki. The jump wasn't as
smooth for Das Boot as the previous one was.
A day spent ranging Sol from 4 pc out was more interesting. Curly again
found the big ball of fusing gas, Joe found the star and the two gas
giants, while Nikki showed 'em how it was done (boxcars), finding the
star, the two gas giants, the two ice giants, and the bigger lumps of
debris (Terra and Venus). Curly managed a rough system map of Sol, but
the orbit retrodiction wasn't so crash hot.
Onwards to Dismal. Nikki decided (for reasons known to Easy Frag) to
try her hand at a leadership roll, promptly rolling boxcars. 6 boons
went out, so the assistants helped the regular crew, and it got a little
urine-taking. The Little Dutchman managed to help Curly astroguess -
the latter critted on his own anyway. Piotr critically succeeded
helping Curly, who rolled boxcars anyway. Jim Ladone, helping Joe down
in Engineering, critically succeeded in helping Joe, who managed a
non-boxcars crit.
Jump entry was just about un-noticeable, and Das Boot emerged about 500m
off her target exit point. Nikki got a _real_ dirty look from Drake for
that. And they had managed to drag _Caerbannog Rabbit Fancy_ , not to
mention everyone else, off at the lights.
Dismal Down was having a good day - then Das Boot contacted them.
"Oh... crap... Butcher's bloody Paradise" combined with local legend
having Das Boot's then-crew drink the port _dry_ when they lobbed from
Curly flew the landing welded on flightpath, touching down as the _Echo
Papa 507_ emerged from Jump, the _Caerbannog Rabbit Fancy_ hot on its
heels. Things were chaotic at Dismal Down - _Like A Record_ had to take
it _real_ slow on vertical approach. The lab ship was the rate-limiting
step in refuelling, taking just over 60 hours to refine 1 Jump's worth
of fuel.
To the control tower's consternation, most of the ship crews headed
boozerwards - for some reason, Dismal Down now had _two_ boozers. Joe
had a drink with Bo Gua Gua (Sifu's eldest son) in the higher-class
boozer, while the crews of _Like A Record_, _Batteries Not Included_,
_Echo Papa 507_ and _Stacey Thomson_ headed to the lower class drinkery,
managing to make a respectable dent in its booze stocks.
After giving everyone a day to recover, Nikov ordered everyone back
aboard and, when in orbit, range on Teapot. Joe found it well enough
from the previous reports to allow normal astrogation (given Teapot had
no star to backstop a less-than-adequate astrogation, this was a slight
concern). Curly amused himself constraining the rogue's orbit.