Re: [TML] blatent advertising but...
Jeff Zeitlin 05 Oct 2021 20:59 UTC
On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 12:41:53 -0700 (PDT), "Thomas RUX <>
>Thanks Timothy for the links. Unfortunately, I don't own any type of e-book reader.
The free program Calibre is a combination e-book
library manager and sideloader for devices, and includes the ability to
read ebooks with a standalone reader program (included) or to convert
between ebook formats, supporting text, html, Kindle (both old [mobi] and
new [azw3]), ePub, PDF, MS-Word, and some other formats that I don't
recognize but which are likely to have been proprietary formats for reader
devices that were popular at one time. It's available for Windows (both 32-
and 64-bit), Linux, and MacOS. I've been using it for years, and have never
had a complaint.
Note: It requires a third-party add-on to be able to convert or unprotect
formats with DRM included; I've never needed it because I refuse to
purchase DRM-encumbered books. It's why I limit my ebook purchases
principally to Baen and TOR as publishers.
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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource
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