In going through my list of ideas for Theme Issues, it occurred to me that Traveller comes across as indifferent to religion. This contrasts with some other games out there that (a) portray as fundamental to the background a religious model that generates active hostility from many real-world religious communities, or (b) embed a religious model (or rather, lack-of-religious model) that is actively hostile to religion in general, or (c) embed a religious model that is very specific to one particular real-world religion, and is thus effectively hostile to any competing model. Traveller's indifference to religion, as contrasted with the models above, is, in my opinion, a good thing. It leaves the portrayal of (and influence of) religion in any particular group's games up to mutual agreement within that group, and thus reduces the chance of active hostility to the game itself. However, since some of the games that fit into model (a) above are some of the earliest-developed and perhaps longest-available, later games (such as Traveller) are tarred with the same brush, and some religious communities thus consider _all_ classic RPGs to be unacceptable (even if the game model fits (c) above, and it's their own religion). (I use "classic" RPGs to refer to pencil-paper-and-dice RPGs, as opposed to computer "shoot-'em-ups" that have [mis]appropriated the label.) I think that a Religion theme issue can potentially show others that religion, treated respectfully, can be a part of a classic RPG _without_ necessarily falling into any of the three hostility-generating modes. Yes, there are some religious communities that will ignore - or be hostile to - any treatment that doesn't conform to their views and tenets, but I think that by and large, even on such a sensitive subject as religion, most people will be willing to accept differing views that are presented respectfully and without active hostility to their own. To that end, I would like the Traveller community to step up and write the following: 1a. A reasoned argument _in favor of_ incorporating religion into Traveller. 1b. A reasoned argument _against_ incorporating religion into Traveller. (Articles answering either of these would go into the Prep Room) 2. Referee's Notes on using religion in Traveller, respectfully. (Articles answering this would also go into the Prep Room) 3. Adventures in which religion plays a significant role. Both long form and short form are encouraged. (Articles answering this would (naturally) go into Active Measures) 4. Characters for whom their faith is central. The character description/bio should reflect this. While clergy would be the most obvious role for such a character, it is not the only possible role; please do not rule out explorations of those other possibilities. Even characters in 'standard' roles might have faith-related motivations for their current attitudes or prior careers. (Articles answering this would (naturally) go into Up Close and Personal) 5. "Encyclopedia" articles about religions that appear in your Traveller universe. Since the idea here is _respectful_ treatment of religion, please avoid anything that would look too much like the 'California Cult of the Week'. It is known that certain present-day denominations are quite litigious about portrayals of their tenets or practices; please be careful about making your fictitious religion look too much like those denominations. (Articles answering this would go into Kurishdam, probably Lecture Hall and Library:The Club Room) 6. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO DO THE RESEARCH: If you know of someone theologically educated in any present-day religion, and is _not_ hostile to SF in general or classic RPGs, I would very much be interested in seeing articles discussing how present-day denominations might handle a transition into a Traveller-like milieu, and what might need to change and how to accommodate the milieu. Specific questions might be adaptations of doctrine or ritual to handle fundamental cultural or biological differences, whether non-humans aliens would be or could be acceptable as congregants, religious governance when the fastest that doctrinal declarations or other direction could get to some congregations is months or years later, etc. (Articles answering this would _probably_ go into Kurishdam:Lecture Hall and Library - but I'm not actually certain of this) 7. There are a few games - most in group (c) above - that are, in fact, religion-centric. Reviews of those games, covering both presentation and playability as a game and their treatment of religion, would be welcome for this theme issue. Please be respectful of the treatment, even if the treatment is not itself respectful of religions not its own. (Articles answering this would go into Critics' Corner:Other People's Toys) ®Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises, 1977-2020. Use of the trademark in this notice and in the referenced materials is not intended to infringe or devalue the trademark. -- Jeff Zeitlin, Editor Freelance Traveller The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource Freelance Traveller extends its thanks to the following enterprises for hosting services: onCloud/CyberWeb Enterprises ( The Traveller Downport (