Re: [TML] (Possibly tacky verging on tasteless) joke...
Rupert Boleyn 02 Aug 2021 20:29 UTC
On 03Aug2021 0527, "Bruce Johnson" - johnson at Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU
(via tml list) wrote:
> An anti-vaxxer and engineer meet at a bridge across a raging river filled with hungry crocodiles.
> Antivaxxer asks the engineer “Is this bridge safe?”
> Engineer squints, looks over the bridge, and says “I'd judge it as 98% safe”
> Antivaxxer says “Well, in that case, I'll swim across then”…
> The vaccine is pretty much 99.99% guaranteed even with the Delta variant, to keep you from being hospitalized or dying.
> The breakthrough infection rate seems higher with delta , but unless you have significant co-morbidities, a vaccinated person is very unlikely to get more than a mild illness.
> If you have those significant co-morbidities, you are *enormously* more likely to wind up in the hospital with significant illness and/or die.
And without the vaccines your odds of having this happen are worrisomely
high. A lot of those anti-vaxxers and 'it's just the old people, so let
it run loose' are, I've found, people with co-morbidities who don't
realise how bad their odds are because they they're young(-ish) and
'healthy' so they'll be fine. But they're overweight to obese, and/or
have high blood pressure, etc...
Me, I have many risk factors, so I'm very happy that New Zealand seized
the opportunity our location and some good fortune gave us. I'm also
very happy we didn't (and aren't) listening to the "But the economy!" crowd.
OpTrav: You know how a lot of people used to hold that plagues of Terran
origin couldn't spread the way that they did through the First Imperium?
That quarantine measures, etc., would be enacted and would stop it?
Yeah, about that...
Rupert Boleyn <>