Re: [TML] Need help designing a religion
Jeff Zeitlin 02 Jul 2021 21:50 UTC
On Thu, 1 Jul 2021 07:33:09 +0000 (UTC), Graham Donald - gndonald2001 at (via tml list) <> wrote to Freelance
>I'm currently designing a sector for submission to Traveller Map and rolled up the following system:
>The immediate realization is I've got something interesting here, a high-tech, controlling, Religious Autocracy, the subsector I was going to put it in naturally suggested a schism of some kind (there's a one-two hex wide area of 'empty space' running diagonally across the subsector.), so far the only idea I've come up with for the cause of that is something along the lines of the Protestant reformation (e.g. The creation of a more decentralized clergy, that's closer to the ruled populace.)
>But I've no access to 'Grand Census' which I think introduced rules for generating religions in general terms, so I've no idea where to go from this point.
>Any help/ideas will be very gratefully appreciated.
If you can come up with a single descriptive statement about your religion,
it can serve as a starting point for the ad-hoc process I described in
The statement doesn't even have to be specifically theology-oriented; just
make the statement(s), then take it (each one) and ask "why is it this
way?" and/or "what are the implications of this?", write down the answer,
and repeat the process for each new statement.
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