Well, I've finally managed to stitch together enough time to scratch myself and continue these writeups. It has been a while, and I may have lost track of where I got up to in my notes, so here goes. How badly did I bodge up the charter pricing? ---- Whether genuinely to help him or wind him up, Old Joe chased up a trainer program for the Broker skill for El Capitane. 2 kilosolars later, Joe makes an ironic present of it to Drake. Accordign to my notes, out of sheer novelty if nothing else, EC and Nikki decided to do annual maintenance in an actual _shipyard_. After making that decision, EC decamped to temporary residence at the Pilot Light, a notable bar and brothel on Procyon. Cargo-chasing was a little interesting. Nikki ran, not walked, away from 4 dton of stained glass on spec. Old Joe chased up 24 dton of container freight, going CIF, to Terra - 96 dton-pc, 76,800 solars of money. Next day, Old Joe outdid himself by tripping over 30 dton of palletised breakbulk to Barnard - 180 dton-pc along trade routes, and 132 kilosolars. That didn't stop Old Joe grumbling about the extra mucking around needed to fit said breakbulk into the Paradise's hold. Aftr paying docking fees, fuel, and retrieving a somewhat-maggoted skipper from the Pilot Light, Das Boot lifted. “How crazy is your character?” – Easy Frag “Normally, or on _this_ planet?” - Herr Sweep Boost out to the 100D was routine, letting Drake sober up. Jump to Junction was also nice and boring. On emergence, Das Boot was one of two ships on approach to Junction and see the skeleton of Junction Highport - not quite yet usable, or the whistlestop would have been there. 22k fuel + fees later, Das Boot lifted for Terra. On her first attempt, Nikki goofed the jump drive activation, but caught her mistake - 2 hours gone to the wind there. EC ordered the jump attempt restarted, and 2.5 hours later, they were underway to Terra. Curly bombed his roll to pick up Pilot 2 (starship), much to his annoyance. Old Joe's studies in Tae Kwan Leep were more fruitful - he no longer took a default penalty to thump someone barehanded. “Captain was happy to train Joe after that last present.” - Mr Sweep, referring to the tutor program. To no one's great surprise, El Capitane found out Phoenix Orbital was congested - the surprise was the estimated wait was 24 hours, and landing clearance came through in 23. Docking was routine, but Drake got loose after landing and decided to "help" move cargo. Not only were the containers not unloaded, El Capitane made a complete hash of Joe's cargo arrangement, requiring the palletised freight to be unloaded and reloaded - much to Joe's annoyance. Joe voluntold Drake to sort out the mess and went back to bed, with some misgivings he couldn't place. Possibly to mess with Old Joe's head, Drake's second attempt went perfectly. Players found this hilarious. To further freak Old Joe out, Drake decided to go try for his assistant cargomaster's ticket. To Joe's horror (when he found out), Drake passed and now had said ticket. Shortly after departing the TCSCA office, Badass Badass-Moustache ran into Drake and asked what he had loaded aboard the Paradise and to where. To more player lulz, Drake had to check a local starmap before answering "Barnard". Badass-Moustache rang the shore office and got them onto chasing up an additional cargo to Barnard, before bringing up the follow on job - out through Prometheus to Teapot and back - pathfinding for construction vessels. Nikki freaks out about finding exploration bitz – I reminded her of Moustache Ltd shore office right here on Phoenix Orbital. Just occasionally, out of sheer novelty value, they *do stuff for you*. Next day, 30 dton of containers, CIF to Barnard, lob at berth. 60 dton-pc, 42 k$. Fuel + fees paid out of Terra cargo payment. Between Old Joe and Nikki, they put together a shopping list - probe drones for remote look see, some sort of deployable aperture synthesis array for closer look at signatures of interest. Badass-Moustache offered a 4 month charter - worked out to 2.8 megasolars (1% of purchase price per month, out and back). For some strange reason, Drake went for it. With cargo (re-)loaded, ship refuelled, etc, Das Boot lifted for Barnard. The outbound jump was not quite routine - Nikki crit-succeeded on the jump drive roll, and trimmed the jump to 6 days. On approach to Barnard, they saw quite a few mining ships boosting out. Docking was at least as routine as the jump outwards. Drake got loose again and decided to "help" unload - this time, he dun goofed critically, managing to intimately mix both lots. Herr Sweep suggested this as a vehicular equivalent: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/612927701258469378/772796783507013662/giphy.gif Nikki and Joe, working together, took 16 hours to reverse El Capitane's stuffup. Looking for cargo produced some results. Nikki's first attempt scared up 80 dton of cargo, FOB to Terra, 2 hi passengers and 3 mid passengers. Nikki begrudgingly let the freight go (had too much cargo for their hold). Next day, Old Joe found 58 dton of "yet more bloody" palletised breakbulk (assorted machine tools, spare parts for same, and assorted tooling gubbins), CIF to Terra, 1 more high passenger and 6 mid passengers. The high pax were worth 21 kilosolars, 15 kilosolars for the middle passengers (collectively, "noisy freight" according to the captain), and 81,200 solars for the freight. 6 of the middle passengers were a family - two mothers and their children, fleeing Aggida. The other two were asteroid miners. First two high passengers were active duty examples of the TCN Scouts, hipax 3 was a Captain Blimp, RN (ret), and the fourth high passenger was heading to Terra for work. “We can do this the nice way or I can shoot you”. - El Capitane to Blimp After paying fees + fuel, the lift from Barnard was routine. --