RTT Core Alternative Technology Question Freelance Traveller (09 Jun 2014 23:04 UTC)
Re: [TML] RTT Core Alternative Technology Question Freelance Traveller (11 Jun 2014 18:07 UTC)

Re: [TML] RTT Core Alternative Technology Question Freelance Traveller 11 Jun 2014 18:07 UTC

OK, based on discussion at
http://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=47816 I find
that the submitter was correct, and only the power plant fuel is needed.
The clarification appears to be in RTT Book 2: High Guard.

On Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:04:07 -0400, I wrote:

>When using the Hyperspace Drive (Core Rulebook p109), the text states "A
>hyperspace drive consumes no extra fuel, but takes up twice as much
>space as a jump drive. While in hyperspace, the spacecraft moves at a
>rate of one parsec per day per manoeuvre drive rating."
>A submitted design for a 400t ship interprets this as requiring only
>power plant fuel, and does not allocate what would have been Jump fuel
>in a standard design.
>I am not convinced that this is correct; I believe that the correct
>interpretation should be that the fuel requirement for the Hyperspace
>drive is the same as for the equivalent jump rating of Jump Drive, i.e.,
>in a 400-ton ship, a Jump Drive B would give J1 performance, requiring
>40 tons of fuel; thus, a Hyperspace Drive B requires that same 40 tons
>of fuel to open the two hyperspace portals - after which a Maneuver
>Drive D could provide, per the same page, 2 parsecs/day travel.
>Has there been an official statement on which is correct? If so, what is
>the correct interpretation, and where has that official ruling been set

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