Re: [TML] Meta Deck Layout ForATigres
Phil Pugliese 25 May 2014 12:53 UTC
On Sun, 5/25/14, Rupert Boleyn <> wrote:
Subject: Re: [TML] Meta Deck Layout ForATigres
Date: Sunday, May 25, 2014, 3:17 AM
> On 25/05/2014 21:51, Phil Pugliese (via tml list)
> And yet, at least according to CT's 'Fighting Ships',
the class is no
> longer in production.
Tigress and her classmates are bit multirole 'do everything'
vessels, and are thus really expensive compared to a smaller
ship that only does the 'shooty' and doesn't have its own
fighter complement. Thus Tigress is a very powerful ship,
and great for showing the flag and frontier patrols in areas
that might get hot of a sudden, but she's not the sort of
ship you want many of - better to buy a few and then spend
the rest of the budget on less glamorous ships. Then there's
that shift in doctrine to battle riders and tenders, and to
hell with the frontier systems (it's not like they pay much
in the way of taxes anyway).
That would explain their deployment 'way out there' in the 'Marches.
I still wonder how many Tigress 'Rons there are.
As I recall, examination of the counters from the 5th Frontier War board game indicated that there was more than one of them in that game.
I wouldn't necessarily expect them to be exclusive to the 'Marches but I don't recall anything either way on that count.