On Fri, 5 Feb 2021 20:36:37 -0500, Richard Aiken <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
>Just watched one of the trailers for this Netflix Original. It's Chinese
>[?] but with English subtitles. Looks like it might be quite
>Travelleresque: poverty-stricken crew of a scavenger spaceship, who find a
>bit of bleeding edge tech, then run into challenges trying to monetize it.
>Anyone else going to watch this?
I'm not a Netflicker (for Reasons), but if someone _does_ watch this, and
feels that it _is_ Travelleresque, I'd appreciate a review for Freelance
Traveller (Critics' Corner/Off the Table).
(Ditto Firefly, ditto Serenity, ditto ... pretty much any TV show, stream,
YouTube vid, movie, etc., that you feel is Travelleresque. That section
isn't _just_ for That Which Can Be Read...)
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