RE: [TML] Character generator question
ewan@xxxxxx 19 Jan 2021 20:25 UTC
Hi Chris,
Check out:
which might give you an idea about what assumptions were made and options
that you can apply.
Also for survival, one of the know attributes of Classic Traveller is dyeing
in character generation. I'm a traditionalist ... kill them.
It's not as though you can't just press a button on a web page and generate
another ...
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Christopher
Sean Hilton
Sent: 19 January 2021 18:34
Subject: [TML] Character generator question
I'm writing a CT:Book-1 NPC generator program. I'm trying to figure out how
to automate the Reenlistment step: E.g.
- The services reenlistment throw is 5+ against 2D6;
- The automated roll is a 7 so the character can stay or go;
** My Questions:
* Have others considered this situation and if so what solution did they
come up with?
* If 5+ the right level or should it be something else?
** More Information:
I've implemented some possibly non-canon / optional rules:
- If the reenlistment throw is an unmodified 12 then the character
must do another term;
- If the reenlistment throw is an unmodified 2 then the character is
drummed out of the service or otherwise fired;
I want to create a throw that simulates the NPC's choice. I'm thinking that
the character will stay in the service on a _stay-or-go_ throw of 5+ with
modifiers of:
* +1 if Commissioned this term;
* +1 if Promoted this term;
* Maybe -1 if not commissioned or promoted for 3 consequetive terms?
* Maybe -1 if the character was forced to stay in the service last
* Maybe +(Rank - 1) // 2 -- `//` is python speak for round down)?
** Progress
For those interested in progress, my mechanism is largely done. I'm
- *Character Event logging*: I'd like to keep a log of when things
happened to the NPC so I can flesh out his back story. Being an NPC,
I can and will take any suggested backstory as just a suggestion.
- *Survival Throws*: Right now I'm ignoring this throw to debug but I
will add it shortly. I'm thinking four levels of option here:
* Ignore survival,
* Failed survival is a health crisis like aging,
* Failed survival means the character died,
* Missing survival by 1 (Throw is 5+ NPC gets an adjusted 4) means
life threatening injury.
- *Tables for CT:Book-1 and CT:CotI*
__o "All I was trying to do was get home from work."
_`\<,_ -Rosa Parks
Christopher Sean Hilton [chris/at/vindaloo/dot/com]
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