When one has a characters [sic] Jeff Zeitlin (04 Dec 2020 21:53 UTC)
Re: [TML] When one has a characters [sic] Jeffrey Schwartz (04 Dec 2020 22:02 UTC)
Re: [TML] When one has a characters [sic] Kenneth Barns (06 Dec 2020 10:48 UTC)

When one has a characters [sic] Jeff Zeitlin 04 Dec 2020 21:52 UTC

In _Agent of the Imperium_, Marc Miller postulates technology by which a
person can be recorded, and then "imprinted" temporarily on another
person's brain. It is through this technology that the Agent is created and

While the Agent is active, the "host" has no awareness, but returns fully
"intact" when the Agent's activation expires. Functionally, this can be
viewed as a temporary induced "multiple personality" condition.

With the multiplicity of societies in the Traveller milieu, it's not
unreasonable to accept that there may be societies that accept what we call
"Multiple Personality Disorder" or "Dissociative Identity Disorder" as a
normal condition, rather than a disorder*.

How could this be handled in Traveller? How would you create a 'multiple'
character? What do you perceive as issues that would have to be addressed,
and how would you address them?

* Peter Watts postulates this in his novel _Blindsight_, calling it MCC -
Multi-Core Condition. The novel may be downloaded free - legally - from the
author's website at  https://rifters.com/real/Blinfsight.htm, though MCC
and societal acceptance is not a major theme. Robert Silverberg has written
a story where this is the central theme, "Multiples", which can be read at

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Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

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