Re: [TML] Ship designs from "With the Lightnings" by David Drake
Jeff Zeitlin 30 Nov 2020 09:47 UTC
The series is published by Baen, and can be obtained at,1972?pageSize=30&filter=release_date&dir=ASC
The first book in the series, _With the Lightnings_, is available from the
Baen Free Library ("the first hit is free!").
(N.B. Baen is also the current publisher of Marc Miller's _Agent of the
On Mon, 30 Nov 2020 09:10:55 +0000, Alan Peery <>
>In his series featuring Lt Leary, David Drake spins a set of tales
>trying to take much of the feel of the age of sail into space. There is
>no anti-gravity, the ships use reaction motors and land in water
>harbors, and jump is replaced by sailing through space. Has anyone ever
>tried to build a ship using the various Traveller rulesets that mimics
>this? I'm most intersted in the first two aspects, as the jump
>mechanism works well for structuring RPG sessions.
>If you've not read the series and like a bit of space opera, it's a good
>read. Drake has described it as ""an SF version of the Aubrey/Maturin
>series" by Patrick O'Brian.
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