Re: [TML] A revolution in spacecraft design options
Alex Goodwin 06 Nov 2020 13:24 UTC
On 6/11/20 7:19 pm, Rupert Boleyn wrote:
> On 06Nov2020 0352, Jeffrey Schwartz wrote:
>> So, my advertisement smorgasbord delivered this gem
>> 2,000,000mAh USB battery
>> At 5 volts, that works out to about 10Kwh in Size: Approx.
>> 16x7.5x1.5cm about 0.000612 kl
>> About 16Mwh per kiloliter!.
>> Yeah BABY!
>> Time to design me some new TL10 dinghy's....
>> ..
>> (/sarcasm)
>> That's some pretty deep power density, isn't it?
> I get 0.00018 kL. At 10KwH that's 55.56Mwh per kL. It's also 200GJ per
> kL, or 48 tons of TNT per kL. Even though batteries are quite dense
> that's still probably about thirty times the energy density of TNT...
To borrow from Spike Milligna, the well-known (and late) typing error,
and the repeatedly-deaded Bluebottle, "That's why they call 'em bangers!" ?