Re: [TML] From Lake Geneva to the Teacup station
Jeff Zeitlin 03 Nov 2020 11:58 UTC
On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 13:48:04 +1000, Alex Goodwin
<> wrote:
>Grognard question - what happens to milspec drives (that can handle
>unrefined fuel without special concerns) when contaminated fuel is fed in?
Inasmuch as Ken's "contaminated" fuel isn't canonical, how you handle it is
ultimately up to you.
I don't recall for certain, but I had somehow gotten the impression that a
milspec drive _doesn't_ use unrefined fuel at no penalty; rather, milspec
includes a requirement for on-board refiner capacity sufficient to refine
full capacity in a relatively short time. If this is the case, simply apply
Ken's rules (additional +1DM in favor of misjumping if used as-is, two
passes through refiners to get to refined [= double time, or double
capacity needed]).
Alternatively, if a milspec drives _can_ use unrefined at no penalty, I
would apply the civspec penalties for unrefined to mil use of contaminated.
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