Re: [TML] Things That Go Bump During Jump
Jeff Zeitlin 31 Oct 2020 16:45 UTC
On Sat, 31 Oct 2020 07:49:02 +0000, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson
at (via tml list) <> wrote to Freelance
>On Sat, 31 Oct 2020 at 06:15, Timothy Collinson <
>> wrote:
>I meant to add, thank you for mentioning this Jeff as (unless DriveThru
>serves up personalized FYF emails) I have not seen it in such an email
>presumably because they think I already know about my own thing!
I don't know; I have [system:Traveller] and its subcategories flagged, so
if it comes through as Traveller or Cepheus Engine, I definitely see it; I
also get a bit of System-agnostic stuff flogged to me.
>Perhaps feeling guilty [1] that I didn't send it to FT, I then did find in
>a cobwebby corner of my brain a little (very little!) something [2] to send
>to Jeff as well. But rather too late in the day for an issue I'm presuming
>will come out on Halloween I'm sure.
Yes; ND20 is going out later today as I write this; anything I've been
receiving or saving off the TML is for JF21 or subsequent.
>[1] And before I get a (well-deserved) lecture from Jeff, 'guilty' is
>probably the wrong word, but you know what I mean... ;-)
Consider the lecture read - again! :)
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