Re: [TML] Things That Go Bump During Jump
Jeff Zeitlin 31 Oct 2020 16:38 UTC
On Sat, 31 Oct 2020 06:15:43 +0000, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson
at (via tml list) <> wrote to Freelance
>On Sat, 31 Oct 2020, 01:39 Jeff Zeitlin, <>
>> FWIW, this was also listed recently in "Follow Your Favorites" for
>> Traveller...
>That's a first BTW for a March Harrier thing.
Actually, I'm not sure it is - I think 2DoC came through once in the past.
If you see MHP listed in any issue in the published-products list on the
last page, it's because it came through as a FYF from DTRPG.
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