Re: [TML] Query: Do Traveller Power Plant or Jump Drives Use Gravity Control Internally?
Rupert Boleyn 15 Oct 2020 09:52 UTC
On 15Oct2020 2122, Timothy Collinson - timothy.collinson at
(via tml list) wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Oct 2020 at 09:15, <
> <>> wrote:
> In MT, I was just reminded Large Blade can cascade to... Cudgel.
> Really?
> Really? I don't recall that but then never really *played* MT.
> Now, I dislike separate Vacc Suit, Zero G Combat and Zero G
> Environment. At least both ZGs could combine but that could also
> integrate vacc suit.
> You'll be pleased with MgT then which does just that and drops all
> mention of Zero G. Not entirely sure why.
> Where do issues with grav plates, thrusters, AG vehicles handled w
> no Gravitics skill?
> Well 'nowhere' is the strict answer. (Unless you count Flyer (grav) -
> which I don't). It seems a lack. Just when there's an obvious SF
> thing you *could* easily include. (I often think Traveller, and
> myself included, fails rather to *really* envisage TL14 worlds and
> what that would really mean in terms of skills, equipment and so on.)
> In the MgT2 ecosystem I suspect you'd have to argue that gravitics was
> either a specialism of Electronics or of Engineer. I'd probably go
> with the latter. But I suppose it might beef up Mechanic a bit to
> bung it in there!
> Of course, you could also probably argue for a Science (gravitics)
> skill if you wanted. Theory and all that.
Migrate to GURPS and you'll have all of that, and more. Whether you want
or need that level of skill differentiation is another matter, of course.
Rupert Boleyn <>