On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 18:54:50 -0400, xxxxxx@gmail.com wrote:
>I take it you are assuming 100% conversion? (I have no idea if that's an
>accurate assumption)
In the sense that I am putting the entire dt of cargo through the refiner
and extracting every bit of H for the fuel tanks, yes.
>This whole discussion is wonderful. It also reminds me of The Delorean's
>"Mr. Fusion".... just dump some stuff in, off you go!
I'd wonder if that was an influence on the idea of the Refiner, but it
predates the flick...
>On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 6:33 PM Jeff Zeitlin <xxxxxx@freelancetraveller.com>
>> If anything containing hydrogen is valid as "unrefined fuel", a ship
>> equipped with a refiner should be able to fill their active tanks by
>> refining from tanked cargo. For each dt of tanked cargo, you should be able
>> to get the following amounts of refined fuel (1 tonne = 1 dt = 14m3) from
>> the substances below (use fixed-pitch font to view):
>> (All substances are at STP unless otherwise noted, and are assumed pure)
>> Name Density (kg/dt) % H by mass Refined fuel yield (dt/dt)
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Water H2O 13958. 11.'11 1.550'8
>> Methane CH4 9.198 25. 0.0023
>> Methanol CH3OH 11088. 12.5 1.386
>> Ammonia NH3 10.22 17.647 0.0018
>> Ethane C2H6 18.987 20. 0.0038
>> Ethanol C2H5OH 11046. 13.043 1.4408
>> Hydrogen Chloride HCl 20.86 2.'77 0.00058
>> Hydrogen Fluoride HF 1.15 5. 0.00058
>> Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 20195. 5.88 1.18794
>> Sucrose C12H22O11 (1) 12320. 6.43 0.7925
>> Butane C4H10 35. 17.24 0.00603
>> Butanol C4H9OH 11333. 13.51 1.5315
>> Benzene C6H6 12264. 7.69 0.9434
>> (1) Bulk white sugar form
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